Important Facts About ‘Icynene’ Spray Foam Insulation
If you happen to be building a new home or remodeling the existing one, chances are you will need to insulate your home as well. There is a wide variety of household insulation available for a home owner to choose. According to many building experts, one of the most commendable ways to insulate your house is by use of foam insulation containing icynene.
It is extremely important that you properly insulate your house especially after doing some great renovations on it. The main reason behind insulation is in order to offer ample protection to yourself as well as your family whenever the temperatures get extreme. At times, the temperatures could be too lo w during winter and at other times they could be too high during the summer. In either of the scenarios, you could be in some trouble if your house is poorly insulated. Just about every expert in the building industry and interior home renovations can testify to the fact that spray foam insulation is the best. Whereas there are other kinds of cheaper insulation options like fiberglass, they are not as efficient and as effective as the spray foam insulation.
Icynene foam insulation
Icynene foam insulation came into the market in the year 1986. This spray foam insulation creates a protective barrier that prevents free entry of unwanted pollutants as well as unwanted outdoor allergens. It is applicable in both residential as well as commercial buildings. The major objective of the developers of ‘icynene’ spray foam insulation was to come up with a quieter, energy efficient and healthy indoors in a house hold.
With icynene foam insulation, you are easily able to spray the underside of your household and also the attic. You will also discover that the icynene foam insulation is costly compared to many other types of insulation. However, that should not concern you because you can always recover the amount spent through energy savings. When the icynene foam insulation is well/professionally applied, you need no air conditioner even when the temperatures go to the extremes during the summer. The insulation also provides for a magnificent sound barrier. As a matter of fact it could be raining heavily but you would not notice as a result of the efficiency provided by its insulation.
Icynene foam application
When making applications using icynene foam application, great care should be taken. This is because the spray foam insulation could expand and exert unwanted force on any reinforcement that attempts to contain it. Another problem with icynene spray insulation foam is that the adhesion between the foam and the slates during roof insulation will make such slates impossible to re use later on. The Foam application can also cause some terrible structural problems with the roofing. This is because it may prevent water from draining away from the roofing timber and therefore cause it to rot. It is for such reasons that spray foam insulation on framed roofs has been considered as not too good a practice in Britain.