What You Should Know About Spray Foam Insulation
Closed cell spray foam is arguably the best insulation material. It resists heat movement, a great feature that can never be found in other insulations like fiber glass. Insulation with fiber glass often leaves spaces where heat can be unnecessarily lost and therefore not very efficient.
Another noticeable merit with spray foam is that it saves a lot of space unlike cellulose or fiber glass. The thickness of spray foam is dependent on where it is sprayed but under normal circumstances, it goes about 3 inches in depth upon installation. More over, with a furnace that is energy efficient, you can save a great deal of energy with spray foams.
Spray foams are highly criticized by environmentalists for not being eco-friendly. Although they are packaged in well recycled bottles, their main ingredients consist of oil and petroleum which are considered harmful to the environment. Those using spray foams are also advised to be very careful and avoid inhaling their smell directly since it could adversely affect their health. One of the major health consequences of consistent inhalation of spray foams is development of asthma. It is recommended that all who use spray foams should do it while wearing protective gear.
It’s important to note that closed cell spray foams may be used just about any where. They are particularly effective in lofts or in areas where floor boards rest firmly on the foundation. Cost is one of the biggest barriers that prevent people from using closed cell spray foam because its price is quite prohibitive (approximately USD 3 per square Ft). This is in spite of its efficiency. As a matter of fact, it is more expensive than any other type of insulation. Nonetheless, it is the one product that you can bank on to deliver utmost efficiency.