For those who are planning to have their workplace or home insulated, the first thing they need to consider are the plus and minuses of foam insulation against those styrofoam insulation. To begin with, insulation in the walls and ceiling is vital. It keeps the cool and warm air in, which generally depends on how the inside temperature differs from the general temperature outside. Having a thorough assessment of the insulation options available prior to starting your project would give you a peace of mind. You’ll feel certain that you made the right choice when it comes to insulating your place.

 Foam Insulation Board

This type of insulation is normally produced by combining isocyanate and polyether together that form a compound known as “closedspray_foam_insulation.ico cell.” These compounds are almost similar with polyurethane, especially in terms of physical appearance and chemical makeup. However, it has the added quirk of a more developed insulation properties. PIR (Polyisocyanurate insulation) is both fire and smoke resistant. It’s also capable of maintaining functionality even with the temperature that is on a higher range, unlike standard styrofoam insulation. Likewise, the general installation of PIR usually higher, mainly because it doesn’t need any kind of protection, such as thermal moisture before the installation and it’s widely available in various forms, such as rigid foam board that’s very identical to styrofoam boar and the other variation is liquid spray.


Styrofoam Insulation

Recently, the styrofoam insulation, that usually comes in blue panels that are distinctively large, have been a popular form of insulation that’s being used for insulating building. There are different thicknesses that could range from 3 inches to 3/4 inches. Also, since styrofoam insulation has a tendency to deteriorate when in constant exposure to moisture. Therefore, it must be incorporated prior to installation. Aside from that, styrofoam panels are usually placed next to each, often having gaps in insulation because it’s more vulnerable to air seepage unlike spray polyisocyanurate. Nonetheless, the most notable advantage of a traditional insulation is that, it’s very easy to use and could be easily sliced with the use of a knife.


Relative R-Values

When it comes to measuring the potential of various types of insulation, the “R-Value” is used. Wherein, the higher it is implies the greater ability to avoid heat transfer. Generally, the R-Values for various types of insulation could range between R-3 as the lowest and R-15 as the highest, and this would usually depend on several things. After installation, the polyisocyanurate insulation would usually have a resistant to heat flow value of R-9. However, as the insulation begins to settle and air pockets start to form (usually 2 years after installation), it would settle around R-8 and thus, it’ll be its permanent R-Value.

Lastly, the R-values styrofoam insulation greatly differs depending on various variables. For instance, a 3/4 inch styrofoam insulation would usually generate a value of R-3.8. On the other hand, a 3-inch thick styrofoam would have an R-Value of R-15. Keep in mind, though, the spaces in styrofoam insulation would often lessen the efficiency of it. It allows the air to seep through the gaps in the panels.