Do you remember those good old days when pink panther was the only available and most celebrated product for home insulation? As you can notice, those days are now somewhere in the past. Things have radically changed because today building scientists, contractors and homeowners are more obsessed with foam insulation.spray-foam-insulation-green-house-plans

Apparently, this new insulation is quite popular and is manufactured in various forms. For now we shall look at the differences between the rigid and spray foam more specifically comparing the closed cell spray which needs a mixture of 2 components at the nozzle of application and the rigid foam_ insulation boards which are made in various thicknesses.
Owing to their mutual significance in boosting home energy performance it can sometimes prove very challenging to make a decision on whether the rigid or spray foam is more suitable for a attic insulation.
For money home owners, insulation is deemed as the most cost effective and practical way to make houses energy efficient. Green Energy Solutions are expets  in insulation and he will guide you through your entire house’ insulation requirements, what to insulate and all the safety precautions to take with insulation. To save energy and get value for your money, call or email today, for a free inspection of your home’s insulation and get a free estimate for your insulation upgrades.

For a comparison of these insulators, listed below are the PROS and CONS of both options:

The PROS for the Two-component spray foam

  • It is dual purpose as it provides both insulation and air sealing. The foam expands filling gaps and cracks
  • Depending on the insulation, it has a higher R-value per inch
  • It takes less time to install
  •  Once cured, it stays in place without shifting or falling out of place

The CONS for the Two-component spray foam

  • It is messy as the overspray can deposit foam in areas that will require cleaning.
  • It is a must to wear respirators and protective clothing during installation
  • It is sensitive to temperature as cold temperatures can tamper with curing or foaming action

PROS for using Rigid foam insulation

• It is less complex and easy to work with
• Safer as no respirators or protective clothing is required
• Provides both insulation and air sealing for seams between sealed with tape
• Compared to the spray foam it is less messy
• Different thicknesses are available to best suit specific R-value requirements and the type of application
• it is easier to cut and install panels at different temperatures
• There are no harmful during installation hence safer to handle
• It is best suited for insulating crawl space and basement walls
• Rigid foam panels like SilverGlo provide for a radiant barrier for additional energy saving
• It is a rigid foam installation requiring no modifications

The CONS for Rigid foam installation

• It has different R-values based on the type of Rigid foam ranging from a low of R – 3.8 per inch to a high of R- 8 per inch
• Some application of the Rigid foam take longer time during the installation than the spray foam
• It might require the application of a single component of the spray foam around the edges of the rigid foam to hold them in place