Attic Foam Insulation: Do it Yourself Kit

Attic foam insulation

There are various methods and choices out in the market to insulate a building attic but the best one is the spray foam insulation. Other options may yield good results for other rooms and spaces, but spray foam insulation is worth every cent when used to insulate the attic. Spray foam insulation is available in many choices and home owners who have bits of technical skills in working with spray foam insulation, can acquire  a do it yourself spray foam kit. A do it yourself spray foam kit is easy to use which comes in two major formulas.

Do it yourself kits can be either in high-pressure aerosol can, or low pressure one. The best kit for attic spray foam insulation is the low-pressure sprayer. Even low pressured do it yourself spray foam can be tricky at times and is left to the professionals. Each kit comes with protective wear, eye protective gear, long pant, sleeves, and a respirator. The instructions may have slight differences according to the manufacturer. Before any proceeding with the DIY spray foam insulation project, it is best to ensure that the manual is read and well understood

Check and  Examine House Skin

The first step is to check and examine the envelope of the house, also known as the house skin. These are points where the cold and heat meet. These are places where the sunrays or day light filter through and one can feel draft from the outside to the attic. These points of the attic should be noted down to know where to concentrate on while spraying. The next step is to remove any kind of junk or debris that may be present in the attic. Thorough cleaning may not be necessary but any debris that may interfere with the insulating interaction with the attic temperatures and the entire room should be removed.

Always Keep Proper Ventilation

Ensure that there are no naked flames present and keep proper ventilation by fanning or open the windows when spraying. Shake well the container before use for a minute, to enable proper content mixture. Assemble the sprayer by attaching the nozzle and the straw on top of the can. Spray the noted and identified areas in the attic where air leaks and wait for 10 to 15 minutes for the insulation layer to dry. A little of water can be sprayed on top of the insulation before further insulation layers are added. For better results, it is advisable to seal any bead that surrounds the trap door of the attic, the eaves and HVAC vents.

Spray foam insulation can be either closed cell or even open cell. The closed cell consists of densely close insulation cells, offers high R-value of over six and tends to be more rigid. It acts as a good barrier for water and air making it the best option for attic insulation. The open cell usually has an R-value of 3.9 and offers little or no resistance to water and vapor. The open cell insulation resembles sponge and it is best recommended for interior walls.