How to Insulate the Loft by Attic Spray Foam Insulation

Homeowners with houses having attics that are not insulated do experience room temperature irregularities. This irregularity is because of energy loss through the attic, which is actually, the major problem that leads to over 40 % energy loss in buildings. The best way out of this is to ensure that attics are insulated. A good insulation choice is required to perfectly cut the energy loss and yield the desired results. In this case, the best insulation for will be the spray foam insulation.

Types of Spay Foam Insulation

There are two types of spray foam insulation, which are, the closed cell, and the open cell insulation. The suitable spray foam for the attic is usually the closed cell insulation.  The open cell can also be used but it does not yield bets results when compared with the closed cell. Spray foam insulation can be used to seal cracks, crannies and nooks in the attic and make them air and water tight, which normal fiberglass, and open cell spray foam cannot. There are two major options available for attic insulation. A homeowner can decide to buy a do it yourself kit or call a profession to help insulating the attic.

Spray foam insulation is normally contained in various aerosol containers in liquid form. When sprayed on a surface, it spreads, hardens and expands many times its size, upon coming into contact with the surface. The advantage of spray foam insulation is that it can easily get into small cracks where normal fiberglass cannot get into.

Determine the Amount of Attic Spray Foam Insulation Requirement and the Recommended R-value

The first step is to determine the amount of attic spray foam insulation required, and the recommended R-value in the region. The owner will determine the amount of insulation required by first checking the amount of insulation that he or she already have. The homeowner will also be required to find out the R-value of the region he or she is living to know what type of insulation will be needed.

After that, the homeowner will be able to decide the best can of the insulation and pressure sprayer to buy. The insulation is then sprayed in cracks and crevices directly, and it stays there for a considerably long time. The advantage of using the spray foam to insulate the attic is that one will not be strictly required to have the protective gear to avoid skin itching, like in the case of using fiberglass. However, protective mask are advised during installation to keep off the aerosol spray chemicals.

When installing the spray foam insulation in the attic, one may consider various helpful tips for better results. Factors such as the climate of the place, the budget and the how the house is designed should be taken into consideration. For proper moisture control, wind baffles should be installed at the draft entrance to control the airflow into the attic. Proper ventilation helps to cool off summer energy costs. However, if the attic insulation is at the underside it is advisable not to include ventilation. Homeowners should seek professional advice during a do it yourself installation or hire a qualified technician. These will enable yielding of desired results with attic spray foam insulation.